Albana qualified in 2014 and has since has worked in social care settings, predominantly with children and young people aged 0-25 years. She has also experience working with adults over 18 years in a fast response team, assessing adults in their home environment to assess functional abilities.
Albana is a senior occupational therapist working in the community with paediatrics and young adults diagnosed with complex health needs, profound and substantial disabilities such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly, gastrostomy, scoliosis, muscular dystrophy, autism, global developmental delay and more. Her areas of expertise include specialist equipment for bathing, toileting, bedroom, stairs, specialist seating and optimising a safe home environment. She specialises in minor and major adaptations, new builds, working with local authorities and housing associations. Albana has extensive experience alongside social workers, education and healthcare professionals.
Albana is well versed in equipment provision and MDT working to provide packages of care, adaptations and rehousing needs. She is a highly passionate and enthusiastic OT who seeks to develop a therapeutic and person-centred rapport with her clients.